I was unaware that we can monetize the vidoes without getting Adsense Partnership until i received an invite.You must also have an invite from Youtube to try out this feature.
Even without Youtube Partnership Program(YPP) you can monetize your videos,but with some exceptions such as
YouTube Partners can only enjoy features such as further channel customization, custom video thumbnails, or the ability to upload videos longer than 10 minutes and larger than 2GB.
Every video has to be submitted for approval through a form and then monetized but if you get Youtube Partnership you can monetize the videos you want without submitting it for approval.
You cannot access Partner Toolkit
Today i received a mail for youtube that my account might be eligible for monetization.Here is a the mail that i received from Youtube.
Your YouTube account ………. might be eligible to earn revenue from the playbacks of your videos.
Making money from your videos is easy. Here’s how it works: First sign into your YouTube account. Then review and complete the steps outlined here:http://www.youtube.com/account_monetization
If your account is enabled, we may place ads next to the videos you submit for monetization. You will earn a share of the revenue from the ads as long as you meet the program requirements.
Thanks and good luck!
The YouTube Team
1.Go to account settings and choose Monetization tab in your youtube account or go to http://www.youtube.com/account and choose Monetization

3.Then in AdSense Association part, if you have already got an adsense account link to that account.If you don’t have an adsense account then do read How to get adsense account approved easily
4.You are almost done,wait for your account to be linked,it will take upto 48 hours according to google.
5.Within 48 hours a mail will be sent to your adsense id.After that you can start monetizing your videos from My videos page
6.You have successfully linked your adsense account with youtube.
You will receive a confirmation mail like this
Dear ********
Congratulations, you can now earn money from your YouTube videos! Click here to begin.
Here’s some important reference material.
Getting Started Guide - Learn how to earn money from your videos.
Eligibility and Guidelines - Review the Eligibility and Guidelines.
Terms of Service
Community Guidelines - Understand your responsibilities in ensuring a positive experience for our users.
Monetization Settings - View your Google AdSense account.
The YouTube Team
After this approval mail, you will see a “Monetize” button next to each video. If you click that you’ll be taken to a form to fill in.
Here is an important note from google forum
You can only submit videos that only use content that you own, or have the rights/permission to use from the copyright owner for commercial purposes (to make money from).
For more info you can also read the adsense support forum about these threads
1.How do I enable/disable revenue sharing on my videos … – Google
2.What types of videos can I NOT submit for revenue sharing – Google
Hope this tutorial is helpful to integrate adsense to youtube videos.
Source :My TechShout
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